Yes, starting a free blog is obviously the first step any blogger (unless you are willing to spend money) should take. There are many different reasons why one would start a free blog. There are also many different places you can set up your free blog, each with its own benefits and downfalls. Personally, I use Blogger, but that does not necessarily mean I dislike other blogging platforms. Again, each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses.
The two major blogging platforms that I will go over are Google’s Blogger and WordPress. Each service will allow you a few different services that may or may not suit some bloggers, and each offer different blogs in general. The following advice will be based on my previous experiences with each of these services. Having used both extensively for free blogs, you can trust that I know what you are looking for.
Just a tidbit of history; WordPress has been around for about five years now. It was developed by a team of coders, and now it is owned by its creator. It has not been sold to any large industry like Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft. It has more freedom because it’s creation was purely for bloggers, versus the various Yahoo, Google, and Microsoft blogging services who were only looking for financial gains. With this comes many features that can help you create an award winning blog.
There are several features I like about this blog. The Autopost has got to be the biggest. I can schedule a post to automatically be posted at whatever time, day, month, and year of my choosing. That way I won’t have to worry about upsetting my audience while out of town. I can simply write some posts ahead of time and enjoy my vacation. They have a stats system implemented into your blog so you can discover how many people view your blog each day; what posts get the most views, what the most popular search engine terms used to find your blog are, what links they clicked on your blog, and much more. This is similar to Google Analytics, which I will discuss later on.
Then there would be the top dog Google’s blogging service called Blogger. Blogger contains a few things that you may like especially for a free blogging service. You can find certain themes online that are made with CSS to update your blog. They allow you to change the layout without paying monthly fees. Their widget system is a lot better. Not only do they have more and better widgets, but customizing them into the layout is much easier as you can get a visual while doing it. The last big point is that you can sell advertisements on your blog. They are Google Adsense capable, and will also allow things like Entrecard, Yahoo Ads, Project Wonderful ads, and any other ad service you can find out there. You can also sell 125×125 ads on the side. :)
So which one should you consider? It all comes down to what you want your blog to do. Both blogging services are great, however I personally have a favorite. Remember, this is based on my opinion, you are always entitled to your own.
WordPress Users:
- Interested in the Autopost feature
- Dislike Google Analytics updating stats daily, WordPress does every new visit
- Wish to move their blog to their own domain eventually (you would want to use WordPress for your own domain instead of Blogger for many reasons)
- You have no interest in putting up ads
- Your only way of monetizing is with affiliate links in your posts; but you can also secretly sell links in Blogroll
Blogger Users:
- Want their free blog to be able to make a lot of money (not guaranteed, you need EFFORT)
- Interested in ad services like Entrecard for both traffic and advertising
- Have no plans of moving to their own domain in the future
- Willing to use Google Analytics
So this is what I have listed. The big differences between the blogging services as well as which free blogging service you should use when starting your blog. I hope this has helped you at least somewhat, and if you need additional information, feel free to ask or comment on this post.