Blog Comments/Feedback
Comments and feedback are one of many factors in determining a blog's popularity. They have numerous benefits to both the commenter as well as the author of the blog. By commenting on a blog, you can affect future posts that are more geared towards your needs.
There are several positive outcomes that can result from commenting on a blogs post. If you are in the same niche or of the same type of blog, you can try to add on to the blogger's knowledge by informing them of additional information. Not only does this increase their knowledge, but it helps you show your knowledge and experience to the blogger and anybody else who reads the comments. If you comment on other blogs you will also receive a link back to your own blog by filling in the URL. You will be noticed by the blogger, and he may even head over to your site. Lastly, you may even be targeted and recognized by the blogger as a long time
Likewise, there are also advantages for the blogger. Their blog appears popular because people are commenting on it. This can tell new visitors that the blog is an extremely popular blog, even if it isn’t it may give this impression. Comments and views will also encourage the blogger. Myself and any other bloggers out there included do not enjoy the feeling of publishing to nobody. We blog, at least partially, to share our knowledge and put out our thoughts, expressions, and feelings for your benefit. Comments can help us learn from you, help encourage us, and they make it more fun to blog.
To give a a bit more motivation, anybody who reads this post can earn a free backlink to your blog by simply posting a comment. I will recognize you in an upcoming post to show my gratitude. Include the phrase ‘benefits of commenting’ or something relevant in your comment that is at least two sentences long and you’ve got yourself a backlink. I enjoy doing this myself as well. :)