RSS Subscribers  

Most of you know have probably noticed that my blog isn't that old (compared to some others, anyway). My subscriber count isn't very high either, but this is how blogging works. Gaining subscribers quickly is not something most people can do in a day. However, there are some techniques that you guys might want to utilize in in order to boost up your numbers.

If you are an active member of a group or forum, then it is more than likely that you have already established yourself in the community. You have probably made a couple of friends. If you are willing to tell them about your blog, then you might earn yourself some potential subscribers. Some of your friends might enjoy reading what you have to say. If you let them know that you have started a blog, then maybe they will come subscribe to it. Many of us have probably done so already. :) However, I don't want you guys to get the wrong idea. I'm not telling you guys to spam forums and talk to people you've never talked to before. I'm talking about the members that you've grown accustomed to and are familiar with. They probably have a blog of their own! If they are your friends, I have no doubt in my mind that they will at least take some time to look at your blog.

The same goes for your friends in bookmarking sites. If they enjoy some of the same sites you do, then they'll probably enjoy your blog as well. StumbleUpon and Digg are two good examples of places where you can share your blog with your friends. Chances are that they'll probably interested in what you submit, so why not ask some of them to check out your blog? If you don’t have any friends on StumbleUpon or Digg however, then try searching for articles posted in places where you would post your own articles. Since they have the same content, you will get to know some of the people who read the same articles you do. After becoming friends with those people, there's a pretty good chance that they will subscribe to your feed because it has the content that they like to read.

That's all that I could come up with for now. I know it's probably not going to get you a sudden increase of subscribers because more than often, that number is based on the content of your blog. You see bloggers always talking about content, content, and content. They're right, you need to have good content in order to get people to subscribe to your feed. Remember though, there are always other ways to gain more subscribers. I’m always looking out for other ideas that work; if you have other suggestions, feel free to comment. I appreciate any help on this matter. :)


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